Saturday, 30 April 2011

Comparing is ugly

Comparing is ugly. Copying is bad*... I don't think so. And to prove this I'll show you something. Do you all know that cute spot of VW with the little Darth Vader, don't you? Now it's time to meet Thor:

I dare to say that this one is even better than the commercial in which it was inspired. What do you think?

*I don't agree with copying, but I agree with credits.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) exists for over 250 years and encourages enlightenment, ideas and debate in which we all can, and should, participate.

They have an account on You Tube with some fun and instructive videos, the last one is about the internet on society, but they talk about everything: language, education, economics...

I'll share with you some of my favourite videos and invite you to also hear the podcasts and watch the conferences from which these animations were made. 

Monday, 25 April 2011

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Bunny times

Florbela Espanca, via barcos em temporais

Maybe you don't know Florbela Espanca. She was one of the greatest female poets of all times. A friend of mine called her the Queen of Sonnets and that's so true.

One day she wrote: "Não costumo acreditar muito nos sonhos... porque de todos se acorda". In English is something like this: "I usually don't believe much in dreams... because from them all we wake up". Sometimes we have day dreams, some look very real, but in the end they're nothing. But who doesn't like to dream?

I'm saying all this because the news I was going to share with you no longer exists. It's not a good news, but I think isn't too bad either.

I can't give you sweet almonds or yummy chocolate eggs, but i can send you a hug and wish you a delicious Easter and promise you that designing dreams will return to its regular posts. Yay!


Thursday, 21 April 2011


Hi everyone!

I've been away from the blog world (posts&comments), and I apologize for that, but I have a very good reason. It's a surprise though, you will have to wait for tomorrow to know all the details (you won't regret it).

Meanwhile pay attention to this small Ted talk about "being wrong". We all want to be right all the time and most of our discussions (the bad ones) doesn't turn well because of that. However being wrong is not necessarily bad, we don't need to feel ashamed by that our criticize others for viewing the same thing in a different perspective, even if we don't understand it. Being wrong implies a change and a bit more of knowledge, so don't be afraid of being wrong more times, ok?

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


You have to see this. Desperados (a brand of tequilla) made an awesome advertising on youtube that will blow your mind. Check it out here!

via Brainstorm9

Share your thoughts on this.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Dressing Up

Not like this. via we heart it.

Do you know those days when you don't know what to wear and your bedroom is a mess because of all the clothes you dressed? I've a solution for you. :)

I received in my e-mail account a newsletter from Photojojo with a cool planner and I bet you don't know what I'm talking about here. You'll love it, I promise. I know I did.

via photojojo

Check out their store too, they have amazing stuff. And no, this is not an advertising post. ;)

Monday, 4 April 2011


via we heart it

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Hellen Keller (via bits of wisdom)

Today I re-started my yoga sessions. I don't know why I stopped, maybe because I'm lazy or filled up with excuses. The fact is I love yoga. Yoga is peace, is love, is happiness. Yoga is harmony and strength. Is connection (nature, body, mind & soul). It's perfect to loose weight and find inner-peace, even if you're exhausted.

I don't feel good with the way I am, physically speaking. I feel this away for too much time. And I needed to do something about that now. I think I need to care less about others and start to love me more.

If you're interested in learning yoga (even at home) pay attention to the following links:

- Sadie Nardini tutorials

What's your goal?

via seven of

Friday, 1 April 2011


via we heart it

First of April came with a lot of sunshine, so I have much to celebrate today (plus is my dad's b-day and me&my bf are celebrating 84 months! Yay!).

Today I want to share with you some of the best posts I came across with along this week. Let's make a list, because I love'em.

Hope you've liked it!

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