Tuesday 31 May 2011

that isn't art


I wandered around books today at Oporto's book Fayre. But only one took all my full attention and it wasn't even there at the fayre. I was at FNAC at the graphic design section when I saw the book of my favourite urban artist. I don't usually have one single favourite artist, but in what touches the graffiti made into art (I know it's a urban art, but try to get that into a museum... Banksy does that! Illegally, but still...)

I smiled in every turn page, that guy is a genius! What I love about him is his constant criticism of the way we live and (don't) think. Experience is the new thinking (hey, I have to do a typographic work with this sentence!).

There was one situation, very ironic, that told much about the state of art. Banksy uses a lots of rats in his creations. One day someone said to him that it was very clever of him, because rat is an anagram for art. Guess what, he never thought about it before. Art is never the intention of the artist, because it vanishes once the public puts their minds on it. -the same is for what is art.


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