Friday 9 December 2011

inner-view #4 [in a mystic world]


Paula Courtois' here for another inner-view. We're heading to South America! Do you like tropical weather? Then you'll love Argentina! Let's go!

Lady Cat by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

1. Let’s get to know you. What was your biggest conquest, what is your most treasured dream?

Well, I got my biggest conquest when I had my first publication in a magazine. I was really happy, because I was the featured artist, with a big interview and a cover. I never thought I would get something like that. And my biggest dream, a big dream, is me, traveling around the world doing expositions, sharing my artworks with everyone, and be there to see the faces and reactions of the viewers.

Enter Darkness by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

2. How did your passion about photo-manipulation emerged?

I used to see wallpapers and calendars posted by people on the Internet. Some of them were really good, and I thought “Can I do something like this? How?” By then, I used to draw a lot; I used to love painting portraits. Always people, and specially, woman. I found woman very inspiring. So, I started with basic programs, doing simple pictures, and I just kept the practice, so I learned and improved a lot, with the time. I know, I still have a lot to do with my works, they are not 100% perfect.

Prophetia Angelus by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

3. We see a lot of blue and dark/grey in your gallery. Does colour define you and your works?

I don’t really know. I never thought that before. I guess, the artists have reciprocal relations with their works. The artists create them, but something new arises in us when we finished. So I think the colors that make up the atmosphere of my images, influence me, cause something, but I'm the one, ultimately, who choose these and not others. With other colors, everything in my works, even the main message could change ...

Lonely is the Night by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

4. A photo-manipulator is also a storyteller. In which of your stories would you like to live?

I would like to be in one story about ghost towns, with old and abandoned houses. I always liked these supernatural stories about a strange incident that made people leave the place, until someone comes along and discover all they had to leave behind ... I want to be that someone, discover secrets of an interesting past. Being alone with stories that no one could tell, I'd like that.

What My Imagination Wants... by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

5. Where do you get inspired? Do you have a special place where do you go to (internal or external)?

Not really. I mean, my inspiration comes alone, at any place or time. I do like to be silent, in front of my computer to let my hands do what my mind already planned. Generally, my inspiration comes from reflections that often I can not explain.

That Red Queen by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

6. What your work has to say about you?

I guess that my work say that I am challenging myself, I like to achieve what I think is perfect, but often I can not do that. I like to convey what I feel, because it is the best way I can communicate with people who understand me, who know what I do.

The Darkest Hour by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

7. If you were an object, which one would you be?

I would be a big wooden chest. I would like to occupy much space, and be useful. Perhaps I could contain paintings, old books and manuscripts. It would be fun to hold many secrets and memories of other people!

The Mystery Of Life by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

8. What was the more challenging obstacle you had to face?

My broken computer. It crashed last year, and I had had so many pictures on it, that I could not recover. That loss really affected me. It was an obstacle because I couldn’t do any photo manipulation for a long time. I was sad. But I have not had a greater difficulty, for now.

The Newborn Vampire by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

9. Do you think your culture has an influence in your creativity? How?

I believe that all cultures open horizons and world views, but close others. Our culture teaches us to see the world in one way and not another, to do things one way and not another. So, I think that, in fact; all I am and all I do are determined by the culture to which I belong and in which I participate every day.

I Am Made of Ice by *DarkDevil16 on deviantART

10. What person (living or dead) would you like to spend a day with? Why?

That person is my mom. Fortunately, she is alive, and we always talk and spend a lot of time together. Because she is like any friend, she is always honest, funny, and unconditional.

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